Our Story

How it all started...

The story is too long to tell in this small space. To make a long story short. While traveling from Forrest City Arkansas to Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, God spoke to Frank Stewart and told him to start a church in Conway, Arkansas. When Frank spoke this vision to his wife Jackie, her response was "I know. He told me the same thing". Thus was the birth of the Conway Church. While he was working as a corporate manager and she was working in the US Postal Service, they both resigned from their high paying jobs to relocate in Conway. At that time they had two small children. Because of the sacrifice they made, they where able to purchase this building to pursue the vision that God had given them both. While the church was a place of worship, prayer and praise, it also served as their home for several years. The kitchen for the saints was also their kitchen. The Christian Education Rooms were also their bedrooms.  The bathroom was used by both their family and the people that came to church. But God began to bless and prosper their faithfulness. To learn more of their story, you have to view the upcoming documentary.

Expanding the vision...

Through our obedience and faithfulness, God continued to amaze us by building this beautiful edifice in Conway and replacing the building above that we initially started in. We were witnessing in real time, God taking us from higher heights to higher heights. And he's not through yet. Not only did he write the vision, he expanded the congregation in such a way can we could not contain the over flow that was happening. So once again the vision got expanded.

Expanding the vision "Again"...

As our Conway location began to grow, our church could not contain the amount of people that were coming to church. The book of Acts says that on the day of pentecost over 3000 people got saved. It goes on to say, and such was added to the church daily. God was adding so many to the Conway location, that he established a new location in North Little Rock, Arkansas. As he continues to write the vision and make it plain, we'll continue to be faithful and abound in the works of the Lord.

Where we are headed...

No matter what God has planned for ACTS Ministries, we'll continue to be faithful in his  works and in his Word. It's in him (Jesus) that we live move and have our being. Without him, there would be no us. As we continue to grow with God, he will reward us through our faithfulness as we compel men to come to Christ. It doesn't matter your color, background, race, ethnicity, financial status, health or living conditions, we welcome you with open arms. We have a saying that has been rooted and grounded in our walk:
"I need you, you need me, and oh how we need God. You're here at the right place and at the right time. It's been said and it's true, you belong here" Go in peace.

Be a part of our story...

Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together a 8 am and 9 am.